

讲座:耶鲁大学Edward J. Vytlacil教授到访我院并作学术报告


2019年3月22日15:00—17:00,来自耶鲁大学经济学院的著名经济学家Edward J. Vytlacil教授在我校崇德西楼(原科研楼)702会议室为我校师生进行了以“Overview Talk For Selection Models, Treatment Effects, and the Econometric Evaluation of Policy Design”为主题的报告会。

Vytlacil老师首先指出选择模型(Selection Models the Econometric Evaluation of Policy Design)、处理效应(Treatment Effects)和政策评估(the Econometric Evaluation of Policy Design)是计量经济学研究中的一大热点,可应用于健康经济学、劳动经济学和发展经济学等议题的研究。

Vytlacil老师及其团队研究者在下列两种情况下如何考虑处理效应参数:(1)参数因个体而异时(2)所选择的参数处理方法可能与特殊处理效应有关。进一步发展了处理效应模型,考虑对替代政策的评估(the evaluation of alternative policies),重点关注在边际处理效应框架(Marginal Treatment Effects framework)中使用工具变量和选择模型对这些项目进行评估,同时还考虑使用其他方法,包括匹配(matching)、断点回归(regression discontinuity)和随机对照试验(RCTs)等。



Edward Vytlacil is an econometrician, whose work has focused on the micro-econometric methodology for treatment effect and policy evaluation using disaggregate data. A theme in his work has been in allowing for the effects of a treatment to vary across people, and allowing individuals to have some knowledge of their own idiosyncratic treatment effect and to act upon that knowledge.

AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS o Journal of Econometrics  Aigner Award, with A. Shaikh and J. Bhattacharya, 2013o Fellow, Econometric Society, 2011-presento WFA Analysis Group Award for Best Paper on Financial Institutions and Markets, with W. Jiang and A. Nelson, 2010 o Journal of Econometrics  Aigner Award, with A. Aakvik and J. Heckman, 2007o NBER Faculty Research Fellow, Public Economics, 2005-present.o Hoover National Fellow, 2003 - 2004 o Participant, Review of Economic Studies  Annual Tour for Recent Job Market Candidates, 2000o Joint Center for Poverty Research Graduate Fellow, 1999-2000o Alfred P. Sloan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1998-1999o C.V. Starr Fellow, University of Chicago, 1995-1998o University of Chicago Fellowship, 1994-1998

o Phi Beta Kappa, University of Chicago, 1994
