

短期课程:University of California - Davis蒋继明教授到访我院并讲授短期课程


2019年12月3日至12日,来自Department of Statistics,University of California - Davis的蒋继明教授在我校为我院及相关院系的师生讲授了以“Large Sample Techniques for Data Science”为主题的系列课程。


12月4日,蒋老师在公共教学一楼1101教室为大家讲授了时间序列和空间序列(Time/Spatial Series)的相关内容。

12月11日,蒋老师在公共教学一楼1101教室为大家讲解了非参数统计(Nonparametric Statistics)课程。



Jiming Jiang is Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of California - Davis. Jiang received his B.S. in Mathematics and his M.S. in Probability and Statistics, Peking University in 1985 and 1988 respectively. He earned his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1995. He is a Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, since 2008 and a Fellow, American Statistical Association, since 2007. Jiang, along with A. Gelman and F. Bois, won the Outstanding Statistical Application Award, American Statistical Association in 1998.

Research Interests:

Mixed effects models

Generalized linear models

Model selection

Small area estimation

Big Data intelligence

E-mail: jimjiang@ucdavis.edu

Homepage: https://statistics.ucdavis.edu/people/jiming-jiang