代文林,中国人民大学统计与大数据研究院预聘副教授、博士生导师。现任统计与大数据研究院学位工作委员会主任,国家治理大数据和人工智能创新平台副主任。他的主要研究方向为非参数统计、复杂数据分析与应用统计,以主要作者身份在Journal of the American Statistical Association,Journal of Machine Learning Research, Statistical Science, Science China Mathematics等国内外一流统计与机器学习期刊上发表论文30余篇。主持国家自然科学基金和国家社会科学基金项目。曾获得泛华统计协会国际大会Young Researcher Award. 担任中国现场统计研究会统计调查分会理事,统计交叉科学分会理事。
2004-09至2008-06, 北京理工大学, 理学院, 本科
2008-09至2010-06, 北京理工大学, 理学院, 硕士, 导师:田玉斌教授
2011-09至2014-11, 香港浸会大学, 理学院, 博士, 导师:童铁军教授
2014-11至2015-08,香港浸会大学深圳研究院, 助理研究员
2018-09至2023-07,中国人民大学, 统计与大数据研究院, 助理教授
2023-08至今,中国人民大学, 统计与大数据研究院, 准聘副教授
2024-08至今,中国人民大学, 国家治理大数据和人工智能创新平台, 副主任
Selected Publications
Nonparametric statistics
1. Yan Song, Wenlin Dai* and Marc G. Genton. “Large-scale low-rank Gaussian process prediction with support points”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, in press.
2. Xuehu Zhu, Weixuan Yuan, Zongben Xu and Wenlin Dai*. “Optimal subsampling for principal component analysis”. Science China: Mathematics, in press.
3. Maoyu Zhang and Wenlin Dai*. “On difference-based gradient estimation in nonparametric regression”. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 17: e11644, 2024.
4. Wenlin Dai, Yan Song and Dianpeng Wang. “A subsampling method for regression problems based on minimum energy criterion”. Technometrics, 65: 192–205, 2023.
5. Wenlin Dai, Tiejun Tong and Lixing Zhu. “On the choice of difference sequence in a unified framework for variance estimation in nonparametric regression”. Statistical Science, 32: 455–468, 2017.
6. Wenlin Dai, Tiejun Tong and Marc G. Genton. “Optimal estimation of derivatives in nonparametric regression”. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17: 1–25, 2016.
7. Wenlin Dai, Yanyuan Ma, Tiejun Tong and Lixing Zhu. “Difference-based variance estimation in nonparametric regression with repeated measurement data”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 163: 1–20, 2015.
Functional data analysis
1. Zhuo Qu, Wenlin Dai, Carolina Euan, Ying Sun and Marc G. Genton. “Exploratory functional data analysis” (with discussion). TEST, in press.
2. Maoyu Zhang, Yan Song and Wenlin Dai*. “Fast robust location and scatter estimation: a depth-based method”. Technometrics, 66: 14–27, 2024.
3. Zhuo Qu, Wenlin Dai* and Marc G. Genton. “Robust functional multivariate analysis of variance with environmental applications”. Environmetrics, 32: e2641, 2021.
4. Wenlin Dai, Tomas Mrkvicka, Ying Sun and Marc G. Genton. “Functional outlier detection and taxonomy by sequential transformations”. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 149: 106960, 2020.
5. Wenlin Dai and Marc G. Genton. “Directional outlyingness for multivariate functional data”. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 131: 50–65, 2019.
6. Wenlin Dai and Marc G. Genton. “Multivariate functional data visualization and outlier detection”. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 23: 923–934, 2018.
7. Wenlin Dai and Marc G. Genton. “An outlyingness matrix for multivariate functional data classification”. Statistica Sinica, 28: 2435–2454, 2018.
Network data analysis
1. Maoyu Zhang, Biao Cai, Wenlin Dai, Dehan Kong, Hongyu Zhao and Jingfei Zhang. “Learning brain connectivity in social cognition with dynamic network regression”. Annals of Applied Statistics, in press.
2. Haosheng Shi and Wenlin Dai*. “A community Hawkes model for continuous–time networks with interaction heterogeneity”. Statistica Sinica, in press.
3. Maoyu Zhang, Jingfei Zhang and Wenlin Dai*. “Fast community detection in dynamic and heterogeneous networks”. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 33: 487–500, 2024.
“__”: Supervised Student
“ * ”: Corresponding Author