The Institute of Statistics and Big Data, Renmin University of China invites outstanding applicants for multiple faculty positions at all levels (assistant, associate, and full professor) in statistics and data science for an appointment beginning September 2025.
Company Information:
Renmin University of China, located in Zhongguancun, Haidian District, known as China’s “Silicon Valley”, is one of the top universities in China. In an effort to build up its statistics and data science group, the university has established The Institute of Statistics and Big Data in the year of 2015 and has successfully hire over 15 faculties from oversea markets in the area of statistics and data science. The Institute of Statistics and Big Data now has 17 regular faculty members, and 121 graduate students major in statistics and data science. For more information, see http://isbd.ruc.edu.cn
Duties and Responsibilities:
A Ph.D. in statistics or data science and commitment to high quality research and teaching are required. Candidates will be expected to sustain an active research and publication agenda and to teach in the undergraduate and graduate programs. Candidates with postdoctoral experience and advanced assistant professors are strongly encouraged to apply.
Position Qualifications:
Applicants must present strong evidence of outstanding research accomplishments and promise in both research and teaching. Applicants are required to have a PhD in statistics, data science or related field. Salary will be regionally competitive based on qualifications.
Position or Company Website:
Application Information: To apply, please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a publication list, a sample of research papers, a teaching statement and a research statement directly to Recruiting Committee at isbd_recruiting@ruc.edu.cn. The applicant must also arrange for at least two letters of recommendation sent directly to isbd_recruiting@ruc.edu.cn. Review of applications will begin as soon as applications come in and continue until a suitable candidate pool has been identified.
Application Deadline: continuously
Contact Email:isbd_recruiting@ruc.edu.cn